Thursday, September 8, 2016

plaid, bodycon skirt & platform oxfords

TOP: Zara Skirt:Forever 21 Shoes: Windsor Store || G's dress: Mini Mannikin Shoes: Vans

 Preparing the table

"With what price we pay for the glory of motherhood." -  Isadora Duncan

I love this quote because it describes motherhood for me in one simple sentence. There is no price we could ever pay to experience this journey. The highest calling any woman could have is the one of being a mom. In my opinion, motherhood is an honor and a privilege, yet it also is synonymous with servanthood. Everyday we are called to selflessly put the needs of our children and family before our own. From late night feedings, to doctor’s visits, school drop offs, meal prep, cleaning messy floors, fixing problems, we’re discovering strengths we didn't even know we had. There’s no better and greater example on servanthood than the one Jesus laid out for us on Calvary.

As a mom, preparing the table is a concept that we often do on a daily basis for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No matter what season you are in as a mother, you are always preparing a table. Consider this thought, everyday you are shaping their future; you are establishing a rhythm or life; helping design a way of living, and a pattern and behavior. Setting the tablecloth, putting down the plates, spoons, cups, and finally bringing out the main dish. Everyday as you wake up and begin your day with your kids, it’s like setting a table for them, like preparing them for their future. “How?” you ask. Routines and ordinary tasks and chores are often overlooked as unimportant or boring. However, these are the powerful daily steps we take toward our future. We are setting the atmosphere and the tone for the rest of their lives.

Our children are sponges, so everything we do is being watched and observed. More than that, almost everything we do is being used to shape their life. From the smallest detail like putting away a shirt, or mopping the floor – they mimic us. We have the power to establish a healthy environment on the daily that will enable them to continue this health into their personal decisions and future.  This is our calling, to raise the next generation. As a mother we can sometimes feel like the responsibility is heavy and lonesome, but be encouraged and know that there are millions of other mommas by your side. Most importantly, know that you’re setting the tone, establishing healthy patterns and raising children to carry the baton to the next generation and bring glory to our God. So from this point forward, with every move you make, you set the table of life for your kids, you are entrusted with the power to raise world changers! 

Now lets talk fashion! 

Fall is almost upon us and that means tons of plaid. Well, to be honest I think I wore plaid for the whole year. Haha! Plaid and denim to me are just timeless. Can we chat about these platform oxfords which are giving me life?! I truly love shoes its my weakness #majorconfession. I am loving this comfortable outfit, I feel on trend and still able to be a mom while managing and running after my toddler.  

Shop my post below!

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