Thursday, June 29, 2017

Do All Things with Balance and Grace

No lie, I write this while G is bathing, my hair is wrapped in a treatment, and our dinner veggies are roasting.

I once read, “multitasking kills creativity and collaboration.”  I must say, I agree.  As women, we enjoy checking things off our list, especially us moms. We make that return, we send that email, we meet that friend for coffee, we get in that workout, we write that post, but there are only so many hours in a day.  I mean somethings got to give right? That’s when we skip the pile of never-ending laundry or burn the evening’s dinner.  May I offer a solution? Grace and balance.

Have you ever felt the more you do the less you measure up? 

As a 33-year-old mom, the older I get, the less time I seem to have for personal dreams and projects.  Not too long ago I went through a season where even though I was doing a lot I was still not pleased with my results and outcomes.  I felt like my outcomes weren’t good enough and as though I was falling short. See, something you may not know about me is that I only like to get A’s.  A’s-all-around.  Like every area of my life. So, when I saw myself not finishing tasks, or not having the best outcomes, I didn't feel like I was doing a good job at anything. It felt like I was under a microscope.  But that’s when I took a big step back.  No, more like 10 steps, and gave myself a pep-talk.  It went something like this, “Geri, you’re trying your best, you’re doing your best, and you’re giving your best.” Ladies, a little self-talk goes a long way, I challenge you to try it the next time you have self-doubt.  

We often give grace to others, but we fail to give that same grace to ourselves.  Get that grace, girl.  You are worthy of it. We are all just trying to do our very best – we are not perfect, but we are the daughters of a perfect God and so we can walk in freedom knowing that if the dishes don’t get done everything will be just fine. 

Are you task-oriented? Do you have a balance between living this life and doing the to-dos? I balance by order of priority and general agenda of the day or week. It’s easy to check-off all the to-dos, but are you letting the everyday moments pass you by? By planning and prioritizing you can create a balance to enjoy the SWEET life, like this time at  Bunnie Cupcakes in Miami.

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