Thursday, April 27, 2017

Part 1 - My Unsolicited Advice To Moms and Mommas-To-Be.

Skirt: Frame Top: Asos Shoes: Gucci || Jeans, top & shoes: Gap Kids

With Mother's Day quickly approaching, I'll be sharing some thoughts on motherhood the next few weeks, so stay tuned!

Five Thoughts on Motherhood, Part 1:

1. Our children should be raised with a soft heart and open arms.  God has entrusted us with a specific purpose through each season.  We have to trust and know that no matter what may come, God is in full control. 

2. Motherhood ain't all peaches-n-cream. We were never promised an easy life, but He DID promise to be with us all our days. Choose your battles, be patient, let kids be kids, let go of control and forget perfection. 

3. We prepare the table for our kids. Consider this: everyday you are shaping your child's future, you are establishing their rhythm, you are designing a way of life, their pattern and behavior. No pressure, right?! You're setting the tablecloth, placing down the plates, and serving the main dish. Each morning you are preparing them for their future. Routines are often overlooked as unimportant or boring, but these are such powerful daily steps we take toward their future. We are setting the atmosphere and tone for the rest of their lives.  Keeping this in mind should help with tough mornings and long nights. 

4. Create a memory while you wait. Whether it's  a flat tire, a morning meltdown, lost keys, or a hospital visit, create a memory while you wait. We spend much of our lives waiting - don't let these moments pass you by. 

5. Pat yourself on the back. I promise you are doing better than you think! Look in the mirror and say, "Hey girl, you are amazing, you are capable, you are strong, and you are winning at being a mom. " Really, do it. Put it on a post-it. Remind yourself and pay it forward to other mommas. 

Ok, that's good for now. Put theses five into play this week and come back next Thursday for some more! I would love to hear some of your motherhood thoughts, so please share. We gotta stick together!

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